Ways to Give

Give Money
When you donate food or money to the Langley Food Bank you are not just giving to a worthy charity. You really are making an investment into the community. While we do provide a free handout, our hands do not close when that transaction is completed. We, and you through us, continue to be connected to our clients. Each time assistance is provided, we are also giving respect, dignity, and encouragement. This in turn often gives our clients new courage and hope to face the future, allowing for positive change to come into their lives.
WE DO NOT solicit money or donations Door to Door or by telephone, we operate solely on the generous donations from the community and sponsors.
How to Donate Financially to the Langley / Aldergrove Food Bank.
1. We accept cash, cheques & food items at both locations in Langley & Aldergrove
2. Donate online at Canada Helps
Click the Canada Helps Icon and use your credit card or Debit card
Support Your Local Food Bank Here
E-Transfers now available
How to etransfer funds to the Langley / Aldergrove Food Bank
1.) Send an etransfer to our email address info@langleyfoodbank.com
2.) Send a second email to info@langleyfoodbank.com with your contact info (for tax receipt purposes):
- Full name
- address
- Phone number
- email address
- amount of donation