In 1995 the Langley Food Bank was asked to take over operation of the Aldergrove Food Bank. We had been meeting in the Vineyard Church but have since moved to 27524 Fraser Hwy. in the Freshco Mall (between HUB Insurance and Benkey Sushi).
Distribution is at the back door on Tuesdays from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm. Clients are also able to enjoy coffee, soup and sandwiches from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm.
Our operation and layout are similar to the Langley Food Bank, though the community served is much smaller. There are about 150 registered families, and on average we distribute approximately 60 grocery hampers every week.
Other community resources available at our location:
· Stepping Stone/Encompass provide support for adults at risk of homelessness, as well as tax preparation, replacement of lost ID and other services
· Clothes2U provides clothing and small household items free of charge
Objectives of the Aldergrove Food Bank
To provide a minimum of 2 days’ worth of nutritious food (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks) for our clients and their families each week
To develop relational bridges with clients in order to discover other needs they may have
To find a way to meet these needs whether they are physical, social, or spiritual in nature
In order to help us meet these objectives, the Food Bank has been set up in a mini-mart style. Groceries are stocked in various categories on store shelves so that clients can make their own selection from each category. Quantity limits are set depending on the size of the family. Food Bank volunteers assist each client in making their selections and bagging their groceries.
We are entirely staffed by volunteers, with approximately 10 - 15 volunteers helping with grocery distribution each week.
Our Food Bank exists because of the generosity of our community partners – individuals, churches, schools and businesses. If you would like to drop off a donation, please do so when we are open, on a Tuesday, between 8:00 and 11:00 am. You may contact us at (604) 857-1671.